Andiyani Achmad


Shout Out Birthday: Althea Turns 1 Today!

Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

I'm so happy, cause today #AltheaTurns1 yeay! Althea Korea will gave you lots of exciting stuff. Don't miss out girls! 

Limited Edition Birthday Box + DIY Party Kit

For orders placed on 20/7 onwards, they will come in a special limited edition birthday box which is so PINK!!  
* While stocks last.

Free Goodies for first 1,500 shoppers

Seriously! Althea is giving away FULL SIZED beauty products to their first 1,500 shoppers, so you'd better get hurry and place your order now!
* While stock last.

Birthday Giveaway. Pick 3 Top Sellers for 100% REBATE!

Get 100% rebate to shop when you purchase these. Rebate will be credited into your account once order is completed. 

#AltheaTurns1 Instagram Contest
Already got your Althea party kit? Take a selfie with it and wish Althea a happy birthday on your Instagram follow with #altheaturns1. Create your own kind beautiful selfie and be ready for a chance to win amazing prizes such as Macbook Air, Ipad Air 2, iPhone 6S, Galaxy S6 Edge, Canon EOS M10 Selfie Camera, Althea credits and beauty hampers from Althea!
*Contest starts from 20 July - 15th  August 2016
*Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to and Althea Facebook for more information. 

psst... my make up of the day i've got from Althea :)

7 komentar

  1. Aaaak aku belum postiiing. Happy birthday althea. Cant wait to open mine. Wohoo..

  2. Wah senangnya ada yg dpt kdo jg dr Althea :D

  3. waaahhh seru yaa. kadonya lucu nih langsung party ultah gitu

    1. Seruuu maak! dapet topi ulangtahun dan balon jugaaa hehehhe

  4. Dropping by on behalf of Santa Althea! Thanks so much for sharing about our birthday ;) Kamsahamnida!


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