For me, who is struggling with mental health issues, I realized that you can manage your mental health by starting to love yourself-first and more. So, in this article I will write the reason why self-love is so important. Shall we start now?
2020 was a very tough year for me and for my family. I never imagined I could experience such mental health issues through all the years due the pandemic. First, I got fired and jobless with all the active debts. At the end of the year 2020, my husband got fired too. Wow!
I was really struggling with my mental health and was suffering from depression and anxiety. Looking around at my friends who seem not to feel the effect of a pandemic, I wondered: Why did this happen to me? Why do I feel worthless and keep blaming myself over and over again? I feel dying inside and worthless. I thought without money, I have no power and nothing. By this learning, I know that to help yourself is to love yourself more, to take care of yourself first. So yes, self-love is the key to maintaining your mental health.
Why is Self-Love So Important?
Self-love is critical for happiness in your life for many reasons. Self-love is having a relationship with yourself that has compassion, kindness, patience, tolerance, and curiosity. Self-love is about giving yourself grace and forgiveness when you inevitably make mistakes. On a deeper level, self-love includes having a higher regard for your own well-being. Self-love can also include talking kindly to oneself or prioritizing rest when you need it.
In my daily life, I often forgot to love myself-first and not make my own self a priority. Even when I need someone to talk to, I feel not comfortable and let others talk to me about their problems. I know, it’s wrong. So, I have these mantras recipe to overcome depression and anxiety:
1. Stop comparing yourself to others
2. Don’t worry about others’ opinions
3. Allow yourself to make mistakes
4. Remember your value doesn’t lie in how your body looks
5. Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic people
6. Put yourself first
7. See beauty in the simple things
8. Be kind to yourself
My Daily Self-Care Routines in Life
To overcome my depression and anxiety and to love myself more, I do self-care routines. At its most basics. Self-care is simply identifying needs or desires and then taking steps – no matter how small – to meet those needs. This can range from something as quick and simple as a shower or drinking a glass of water, to more complex tasks such as cooking and gardening or engaging in exercise. Sounds pretty simple, right?
In my daily life, here is my self-care routines to overcome my mental health issues through the year of 2020:
1. Social media detox
2. Pray & read Quran
3. Do some treatments
4. Workout
5. Write some journals or create gratitude post
6. Get creative
7. Nap time
8. Watch movies or listening music
Even though I am struggling with all the active debts through 2020, I have faith that this shall pass through somehow with a glimpse of hope and trust. And still, I can find happiness by being grateful for what I have and what I have not.
Since the pandemic, I’ve learned to love myself first so I can give lots of love to others. Besides, by loving myself, I can live more peaceful days in my daily life.
Money Can (Not) Buy Everything!
Somehow, I can still maintain to pay all active debts. I believe that positivity could attract such an income. I know money can buy a bunch of things but it cannot buy everything in life we need to survive. To borrow a quote from the movie Forrest Gump, “There’s only so much money a man really needs, the rest is just for showing off.”
Money is not everything: It can buy you a house but not a home. It can buy you a clock but not time. It can buy you a position but not respect. Furthermore, to overcome depression and anxiety, all you can do is to make yourself happy by doing self-care. One of my all-time favorite self-care routines in my daily life is to get creative by creating images in Canva Apps and also watching movies or listening to music.
Of course, it all needs a stable internet provider and good quality internet fixed broadband. Incidentally, at home we use the IndiHome provider to access the internet. At times, my son also depended on the internet provider to carry out online learning activities. I can tell that me and my family depend on an internet connection every single day. In fact, I spend a lot of time in front of the laptop to earn money in my daily life.
With the access of an internet provider that IndiHome provides, I can do a lot of things from self-care to earning money for living. The internet fixed broadband from IndiHome at my home creates such a warm happiness where me and my family are able to express ourselves.
Using an internet provider from IndiHome, I could access many things on the internet. Not only entertainment such as movies, music, and social media platforms. I also could chat with my psychiatrist to do a season for my mental issues.
IndiHome At A Glance
IndiHome is a leading fixed broadband service that PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk owns (Telkom Group and a digital service that provides internet, landline, and interactive TV with a wide selection of packages and additional services that can be selected according to your needs. Currently, IndiHome network has spread throughout Indonesia and continues to innovate to meet the best internet provider needs for the community.
IndiHome covers 96.5% districts/cities or 496 out of 514 districts/cities in the country, including nine outermost islands in Indonesia (Bintan, Karimun, Kei, Alor, Simeulue, Weh, Sebatik, Rote and Sabu). IndiHome fiber optic stretches for 166,343 kilometers from the city center to remote villages across the archipelago or the equivalent of four times the circumference of the earth. IndiHome is rich in digital content with 243 channels and various additional digital services and internet fixed broadband. For more information about IndiHome, visit and social media @indihome.
Yang paling sering ini adalah comparing ourself to others.
BalasHapusApalagi zaman media sosial gini ya, rasanya sulit untuk membentengi diri, biar nggak bandingin diri dengan orang lain, dibutuhkan kebijakan tingkat tinggi, khususnya dalam bermedia sosial :)
Dan setuju banget nih dengan sosmed detox, biar nggak bikin mood kita jadi ancur gegara pusing liat riuhnya medsos, dan kadang bikin insecure :D
That's right, sis. For me, social media detox is enough to affect my emotions so I can be more relaxed in living life. Now, there's a lot of social media news that makes me dizzy. It's better to step aside and heal first to be calmer
BalasHapusSelf love itu penting banget dong buat kita menjaga kewarasan. Apalagi saking rempong urusan domestik sehari2. Kehadiran IndiHome jelas memberikan manfaat untuk keluarga. Aku juga menggunakan 3P nih dan alhamdulillaah cocok. Wifi lancar, nonton tv channel2nya seru, telepon rumah tetap ada dan dipakai.
BalasHapusPoin 6 resep untuk mengatasi depresi dan kecemasan : Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic people, penting bangeeet! Itu kenapa makin ke sini, saat umur makin tua, teman makin sedikit, biar ga dibikin stress oleh orang yang ga sadar dirinya tuh racun 😁😆
BalasHapusToxic2 people memang harus dilepaskan yaa mba 😁 main medsos yg sehat, nggak ditelan mentah2. . Dirinya bukan aku dan bgitu sebaliknya jadi nggak perlu khawatir. Setiap kita unik. . Tapi aku biasanya khawatir kalau wifi mati 😁
BalasHapuspandemi bener2 jadi tamparan keras buat kita semua yaah, suamiku di awal pandemi sempet terkena gangguan kecemasan alias anxiety disorder sampai harus ke psikiater karena gak bisa tidur saking cemasnya huhu. Semoga sehat terus kita semuanya yaaah, dan self love juga supaya bisa makin bahagia
BalasHapusMau ada orang toxic ataupun orang baik, pilihanku tetep indihome. Hehehe. Selain nyaman buat dipakai browsing dirumah buat orang-orang introvert seperti saya, indihome emang paling kenceng internetnya
BalasHapusI do love a nap, too! Sometimes when you feels tired, just take a nap.
BalasHapusNaps give you energy and make you feel more productive – and it feels great to be in bed during the afternoon.
Butuh perjuangan dan latihan yang cukup banyak ya mbak untuk mengatasi mental health pada diri sendiri seperti ini. Semangat terus, semoga kita bisa makin mencintai diri kita sendiri dan makin mengenal diri sehingga jauh dari mental health issues, hehehe
BalasHapusbtw, aku juga bikin jurnal (setengah scrap book sih, ahaha) dan it helps me a lot.
Pandemi memang challenging bgt
BalasHapusTapi dari situ kita belajar banyak ya
Utk makin mencintai diri dan kluarga
Toxic people racun banget dalam kehidupan. Ketika bertemu orang yang toxic aku lebih self love, bergaul dengan yang seperti itu hidup jauh dari kebahagiaan
BalasHapusAgree with this opinion. The benefit of self love for me is making my mind and my heart happy. But i am often get stressfull when had a problem with someone. Self love is only way to make a deal with it.
BalasHapusFirsy thing first you got to love yourself then everything else will just follow naturally ya mbak.
BalasHapusI figured out that sometime I am comparing my self to others, lately. I don't what's happening to me, then I went to see the psychologist to help me if I have some issues. Yes, pray and read Quran really make life so peaceful. Thank you for the advice, Kak.
BalasHapusWe are the same, by using the internet provider from IndiHome, I can access many things on the internet. Not only for my husband and I to work, help my child study, find entertainment such as watching movies, listening to music, and scrolling through social media. Happy!
BalasHapusSelf love itu penting ya mbak
BalasHapusItu adalah kebutuhan akan kesehatan jiwa kita
Kalau aku bentuk self love ku adalah bisa rebahan sejenak sambil nonton drama Korea
Memang berat ya hidup jaman Now tapi bisaaa kok kita cuex, detox sosmed salah satu solusi bagus.
BalasHapusKalau aku berusaha sharing info ke sosmed dan meminimalisir kepoin sosmed orang.
Tahun 2020 atau 2021 memang bikin banyak orang di dunia jadi agak2 gamopang sakit baik fisik maupun mental. Namun alhamdulillah semua udah dilewati dan kita semua mencapai masa di mana sekarang kita berada ya mbak.
BalasHapusMemang uang gak bisa beli kebahagiaan krn kyknya rasa bahagia itu datangnya dr rasa syukur yang kita miliki yaa.
Butuh pencerahan dengan adanya sosial media detox, bagaimana jelasnya. Secara saya sendiri sudah merasa jika sosial media ini seakan telah menjajah saya pribadi. Hem... Perlu mendalami nya lebih jauh lagi nih sepertinya
BalasHapusSelf-love is a way to respect yourself and thank yourself so that a sense of respect for others will emerge.
BalasHapusAku kalau udah ngerasa stress / anxiety selalu ingat kata kalimat: be easy to yourself. Kadang kita stress emang dibuat sendiri, selalu overthinking sama apa pun yang belum tentu terjadi. Makanya lebih baik be present, biar kita lebih menghargai apa pun yang terjadi tiap detiknya.
BalasHapusPernah ada di masa membandingkan dan rasanya jadi sangat tidak nyaman. Setiap hari penuh dengan tekanan tapi gak tau mesti gimana. Beneran bikin mager dan khawatir berlebihan.
BalasHapusAlhamdulillah, kini sudah mulai mmeberikan apresiasi untuk diri sendiri sehingga apa yang dilakukan adalah yang terbaik yang bisa aku lakukan saat ini, di waktu ini.
Aku lebih mencintai diri sendiri, lebih baik jauh dari orang yang nyebelin. Biar lebih waras. Kalau di rumah ada IndiHome juga. Jadi damai aja sih apalagi pas pandemi kemarin
BalasHapusBeen there too... be a garbage dump for other's problems. Sometime I wonder did I look like Zena the warrior princess who can overcome any obstacles :))
BalasHapusAnyhow i got so many life learning from other people, from their problem. So far I assume, my life is still easier than theirs. This kind of thinking releases me from negative thoughts.
Mbak Aie, I wanna send virtual hugh. Pandemic was a tough year but you can survive!
BalasHapusI also learn about self love because in the beginning of pandemic I was worry about the disease. It affected my daily mood.
BalasHapusPandemis is sure Struggling era banget yaa, kak Aie..
Semoga senantiasa lancar dan berkah. Karena keikhlasan melewati masa-masa itu, kini alhamdulillah semakin yakin dan mantap dalam melangkah. Self love yang kak Aie terapkan sungguh membuat semangat pembaca untuk ikut melakukan yang terbaik di setiap harinya.
Yess mba Ai, pray is the one think can make us more patient, My husband always remind me to read Qur'an also
BalasHapusSecara ga sengaja emang kita suka membandingkan kehidupan kita dengan orang lain. Seperti kata pepatah, rumput tetangga selalu lebih hijau dari rumput di halaman kita sendiri.
BalasHapussaya juga belakangan milih skip story ig beberapa teman, mbak. rasanya berat aja lihat pencapaian orang-orang dan memang lebih nyaman kayaknya lepas dari media sosial itu. tapi di lain pihak saya juga pengennya bisa lebih maju dan belajar terus makanya nih bingung baiknya gimana
BalasHapusCintailah dirimu sebelum mencintai orang lain
BalasHapusMakanya self love itu sangat penting
Self love aku sederhana banget
Menikmati me time dengan menonton drama Korea
Untungnya di rumah pakai IndiHome, nonton Drakor jadi lancar
Mencintai diri lebih lagi ya mbak, apalagi saat ini banyak yang membuat kita semakin memikirkan hal-hal berbahaya. Salah satu melalui media sosial atau teman-teman yang toxic.
BalasHapusThis Covid-19 pandemic really gives us some experience. One of them was we are becoming more aware to our self. I'm so happy because our togetherness can bring us to survive together from the pandemic.
BalasHapusAku baru sadari bahwa mencintai diri sendiri adalah yg penting. Makasi telah mengingatkan. Terkadang sejak adanya teknologi yg memberikan ruang utk terbuka pada diri sendiri memberikan banyak sekali manfaat dalam kehidupan di dunia ini. Dan Indihome menjadi salah satunya orang utk berkreatifitas pada kehidupan
BalasHapusAku termasuk yang merasa penting dengan self love.. Ini tu semacam kunci our happiness.. Jadi untuk bisa bahagia gak tergantung sama orang lain..