Hey everyone! Today, I want to share some tips on maintaining mental health in the workplace, something that's incredibly important but often overlooked. As someone who's navigated through various job roles, from high-pressure corporate settings to more laid-back environments, I've learned a thing or two about keeping my sanity intact. Let's dive into some practical tips based on my own experiences. So shall we start now ...
1. Set Boundaries
One of the first lessons I learned was the importance of setting boundaries. In my early career, I was the kind of person who would answer emails at midnight and work through weekends. It didn't take long for burnout to set in. I realized that I needed to set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Now, I make it a point to log off at a reasonable hour and resist the urge to check work emails outside of office hours. This simple change has significantly improved my mental well-being.
2. Take Breaks
It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget to take breaks. I used to think that working non-stop would make me more productive, but it actually had the opposite effect. Regular breaks are essential for maintaining mental clarity and productivity. Now, I make sure to take short breaks throughout the day, even if it's just a five-minute walk or a quick stretch. These breaks help me recharge and stay focused.
3. Stay Organized
A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. I found that staying organized helps reduce stress and anxiety. I start my day by making a to-do list, prioritizing tasks, and keeping my workspace tidy. This habit not only helps me stay on top of my workload but also gives me a sense of control and accomplishment.
4. Connect with Colleagues
Building relationships with colleagues can make a huge difference in your work experience. In the past, I often kept to myself, thinking it would help me stay focused. However, I soon realized that having a support system at work is crucial. Now, I make an effort to connect with my coworkers, whether it's through a quick chat over coffee or collaborating on projects. These interactions provide emotional support and can make work more enjoyable.
5. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness has been a game-changer for me. I started incorporating mindfulness practices into my daily routine to manage stress and stay present. Simple activities like deep breathing exercises, meditation, or even mindful walking help me stay grounded and calm amidst the chaos of a busy workday. I often take a few minutes in the morning or during lunch breaks to practice mindfulness, which helps me reset and approach tasks with a clearer mind.
6. Seek Professional Help
There was a time when I felt overwhelmed and realized I needed more than just self-care routines. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can be incredibly beneficial. They provide valuable tools and techniques to manage stress and mental health issues. I started seeing a therapist a few years ago, and it has made a world of difference in how I cope with work-related stress.
7. Pursue Hobbies and Interests
Having interests outside of work is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I used to let work consume my life, leaving little room for hobbies or leisure activities. Now, I make it a point to engage in activities I enjoy, whether it's reading, hiking, or playing a musical instrument. These hobbies provide a much-needed escape and help me relax and recharge.
8. Exercise Regularly
Physical activity is not only good for your body but also for your mind. Regular exercise helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. I incorporated a workout routine into my schedule, whether it's a morning run, a yoga session, or a gym workout. Exercise has become a great way for me to clear my mind and boost my mood.
9. Communicate Openly
Open communication with your manager and colleagues about your workload and stress levels is crucial. I used to hesitate to speak up, fearing it would make me appear weak or incapable. However, I learned that being honest about my capacity and seeking support when needed actually leads to better collaboration and understanding. It's okay to ask for help or delegate tasks when you're feeling overwhelmed.
Maintaining mental health in the workplace is an ongoing journey, and what works for one person might not work for another. These tips have helped me find a balance and keep my mental health in check. Remember, taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as excelling in your job. Don't hesitate to prioritize yourself and make the necessary changes to create a healthier, happier work life.
what an useful tips Mba Aie, Thanks for sharing, those are relevant for me since I was trying to keep balancing my personal needs, esepcially mental health and the workload.
BalasHapusDi tengah isu kesehatan mental di negara kita, salah satu yang menjadi concern adalah bagaimana juga menjaga kesehatan di tempat kerja. Tekanan pekerjaan, lingkungan sosial, perlu benar-benar bisa dipahami oleh satu sama lain. Supaya nggak jadi toxic. Mari terus mengasuh kedewasaan dengan melatih mental agar lebih kuat dan balance :)
BalasHapusYes I Agree sist, taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as excelling in your job.
BalasHapusMenjaga kesehatan mental memang penting banget di tengah zaman yang sedang tidak baik - baik saja ini. Sebagai IRT yang tidak bekerja, harus saya akui kalau jadi IRT itu mudah stress. Makanya, penting sekali menjaga kesehatan mental tak hanya untuk kaum pekerja tetapi juga untuk IRT. Membangun komunikasi yang baik adalah salah satu cara menjaga kesehatan mental bagi IRT.
BalasHapustipsnya bisa diterapin untuk ibu rumah tangga biasa kan? kita di rumah juga ibaratnya punya dunia kerja sendiri yang tentunya butuh kewarasan mental :)
BalasHapusAgree, put yourself first and make changes to create a healthier and happier work life. And maintaining mental health at work varies from person to person, what works for one person may not work for another.
BalasHapusas a working woman this tips really usefull to me so I can have a good mental health at the work. thank you for sharing, mbak!
BalasHapusMenjaga kesehatan mental memang punya tantangan tersendiri, soalnya gak semua mudah untuk meluangkan waktu menjalani hobi atau olahraga. Tapi harus tetap dilakukan supaya kesehatan mental terjaga, demi bukan sehat fisik ya, tapi juga sehat mental di kantor :D
BalasHapusMenjaga kesehatan mental itu memang sangat penting banget. Apalagi ditengah maraknya sosial media, terkadang kebanyakan scrolling bikin kita secara gak langsung mulai membandingkan kondisi sendiri sama orang lain yang bahkan gak kita kenal. Apalagi para pekerja, dengan banyak deadline serta harus mengurusi keluarga, mantep banget fisik dan pikiran terbagi-bagi. Thank you atas sharingnya.
BalasHapusKesehatan mental ini sudah jadi bahasan hangat akhir-akhir ini, ya. Tidak hanya dialami oleh pekerja kantoran, ibu rumah tangga pun rentan terserang kesehatan mentalnya. Terima kasih sharingnya, tips yang sudah dibahas di tulisan ini bermanfaat sekali untuk menjaga kesehatan mental.
BalasHapusKalau di tempat kerja memang kudu banget jaga mental tetap sehat. Jangan sampai tertekan, sakit, dan buat happy aja ya
BalasHapusI totally agree with your article. I was work All day almost a week. I still connect with the job in weekend. I thought my works will be excellent. But it's big mistakes. My works gone be chaotic and I really stressed. Now, I enjoy the work. Relaxing on weekend, meet up with friend and join happy activities with mu family.
BalasHapusmemang jadi tugas kita masing2 untuk jaga kesehatan fisik dan mental secara komprehensif
BalasHapuskarena klo ngga dirawat, bs burn out, depresi juga yakkk
Take breaks, ini juga yang biasanya saya lakukan mbak. Walau sebentar, tapi ternyata ampuh untuk membuat mood membaik kembali
BalasHapusZaman sekarang yang namanya kesehatan mental makin mendapat perhatian ya mbak, karena kempen awareness soal ini udah makin banyak.
BalasHapusBeberapa cara di atas juga sudah aku lakukan kalau misalnya aku merasa burn out gtu, terutama mencoba buat mundur atau kasi batasan tegas ke lingkungan yang mungkin jadi penyebab masalahnya.
Memberikan batas itu penting banget di tempat kerja, gak baik juga kalau terlalu dekat ya sama teman kerja, termasuk batasan jam kerja juga supaya ga stress, apalagi kalau kerjaan kantor di bawa-bawa di luar jam kerja
BalasHapusKeren bahasa inggris ih! Memang paling ampuh tuh sejak awal harus bisa tegas kasih batas ya biar ga ada yg main perasaan kita, btw aku jadi pengen coba nulis in English juga hehe
1 Juni 2024 pukul 21.34Menjaga kesehatan mental itu juga sangat penting ya
BalasHapusSalah satunya bisa dengan car rutin berolahraga ya mbak
Good insights for maintaining mental health in office. Jadi ingat dulu sering stres saat kerja karena lingkungannya memang keras, plus tipikal orang2nya memang saling gontok2an untuk naik ke puncak. Memang melelahkan sih kalau kitanya enggak bisa menjaga kewarasan diri sendiri.
BalasHapusMental health is one of the diamond in our life that must be kept
If any some of disturbing, just ignore and try to make the feeling be better again soon
Wah bagus nih tipsnya. Iya banget, pastinya di lingkungan kerja itu problem mental health akan sangat bisa muncul. Dari mulai muncul dari dalam, karena atasan, karena beban pekerjaan, ataupun karena teman sepekerjaan. Harus nih tipsnya diterapkan para pekerja. Biar bisa tetap waras ya. :D
BalasHapusSetujulah kalo merasa ada gangguan mental, langsung ke ahlinya ya. Jangan mendiagnosa sendiri dan akhirnya salah pengobatan.